The Colorado Voter’s Guide To The 2016 Election

<p>(AP Photo/David&nbsp;<span data-scayt-word="Zalubowski" data-scayt-lang="en_US">Zalubowski</span>)</p>
Photo: Voting, Voter Casting Ballot On Election Day 2014 In Thirnton (AP)
Voting in Thornton, Colo., in 2014.

It's a presidential election year. While many are focused on the topline matchup between Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton, that doesn't mean the undercards are anything to ignore. The ballot in Colorado will have a lot for each voter to consider, it's our hope that this guide will help answer your questions.

Where The Candidates Stand

On The Ballot

Amendment 69 - Statewide Health Care System

Amendment 70 - State Minimum Wage

Amendment 71 - Requirements For Constitutional Amendments

Amendment 72 - Increase Cigarette And Tobacco Taxes

Amendment T - No Exception To Involuntary Servitude Prohibition

Amendment U - Exempt Certain Possessory Interests From Property Taxes

Ballot Issue 4B - Denver Metropolitan Scientific And Cultural Facilities District

Proposition 106 - Access To Medical Aid-In-Dying Medication

Propositions 107 & 108 - Presidential Primary Elections/Unaffiliated Voter Participation In Primary Elections

Local Issues & Voter Profiles

Colorado General Assembly


Education Funding

University of Colorado Board of Regents

Voter Profiles

The Voting Process