Medical marijuana sales tax revenues net the state $2.2 million (Denver Post).
In Colorado Springs, unemployment rate hits 9.2% (Gazette, Colorado Springs Business Journal). City Council takes one step closer to balancing the 2011 budget (KKTV). Penrose receives cancer grant (CSBJ). The Gazette takes a look at how tax laws affected Intel's decisions regarding the operation the company had here. The paper also profiles how local business Independent Records has met industry challenges. The director of COPPeR, the Cultural Office of the the Pikes Peak Region, resigns (Gazette, CSBJ). A Colorado Springs artist has been chosen to paint the portrait of President Obama (CSBJ).
In Pueblo, the Chieftain looks at how the family law program is faring. City Council approves a budget (Chieftain). There are six candidates to replace the city's retiring police chief, including one from Colorado Springs (Chieftain, KKTV). Pueblo West and the county reach an agreement over the Arkansas River flow program (Chieftain). Federal funds go to a steel mill (Chieftain).
In Raton, the proposed La Mesa racino hits more snags and delays (Raton Range, Trinidad Times-Independent).
Disclaimer: KRCC and KRCC News make no guarantees regarding the content within these reports, however consider them part of the news and media outlets reporting on issues affecting our coverage area. The Index is not exhaustive, and is not an endorsement of any kind. * indicates subscription required.