Colorado unemployment dropped in April (Colorado Springs Business Journal). A funding ban preventing the expansion of the Pinon Canyon Maneuver Site has been reinstated (Cheiftain). Southern Colorado is the focus of the first reapportionment hearing (Chieftain).
In Colorado Springs, city council considers economic development incentives foe Wal-Mart and Agilent Technologies (Gazette). Council decides to restart the task force looking at Memorial Health System (Gazette). Council also hears about issues with public transportation (Gazette). A search will resume today for former mayoral candidate Mitch Christiansen (KKTV).
In Pueblo, chemicals in air filters may have caused a contamination scare (Chieftain, KRDO, KKTV). City Council approves a contract to remodel City Hall, but asks for a different design (Chieftain). CSU-Pueblo interim president Dr. Julio Leon touches base from Joplin, Missouri (KRDO). A water boil order is in place for Lake Pueblo State Park (Chieftain).
Fort Carson Garrison Commander Col. Bob McLaughlin serves as a co-grand marshal of Trinidad’s first-ever Armed Forces Day parade (Trinidad Times-Independent). Canon City is set to be featured in a segment on the Travel Channel (Canon City Daily Record).
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