Colorado's unemployment rate stays at 8.5% (Denver Post, Denver Business Journal). Cyclists line up for the USA Pro Cycling Challenge (Colorado Springs Gazette).
El Paso County Commissioners approve mail-only ballots for next year's primary (Gazette). A public forum last night aimed to answer questions from residents about oil and gas production in the county (KRDO). Congressman Doug Lamborn will meet with constituents and community leaders regarding language he used to describe President Barack Obama (KKTV). More microbrews are cropping up in Colorado Springs (Colorado Springs Business Journal*). A Tuskegee Airman has a stolen medal returned (Gazette, KOAA, KRDO, KKTV).
In Pueblo, a drug trafficking ring is busted (Chieftain). City pools are set to close soon (Chieftain). Regional 11th graders make ACT gains (Chieftain). Senator Mark Udall helds a forum in Pueblo (Chieftain), and toured the Chemical Depot (Chieftain). Lake Pueblo growth effort could come around (Chieftain).
Southeast Mental Health Services in LaJunta earns state recognition for data quality (LaJunta Tribune-Democrat).
Trinidad sees a boost in sales tax revenues (Trinidad Times-Independent). Two proposed amendments to the city's charter will head to the ballot (Trinidad Times-Independent). Veteran state lawmaker Wes McKinley plans to seek a Las Animas County Commissioner seat (Trinidad Times-Independent).
Farmers in the Fryingpan-Arkansas Project will get a boost of water (Chieftain). Rural schools examine what to do if the Secure Rural Schools Act and Communities Self-Determination Act expires as planned at the end of the year (Chieftain).
Colfax County, New Mexico is expected to see larger state senate, house districts as the state's population shifts away from rural areas (Raton Range). Voters in the county's special hospital district will decide on a board seat, and a tax issue (Raton Range).
Disclaimer: KRCC and KRCC News make no guarantees regarding the content within these reports, however consider them part of the news and media outlets reporting on issues affecting our coverage area. The Index is not exhaustive, and is not an endorsement of any kind. * indicates subscription required.