The United Nations Secretary-General Ban Ki-Moon visits Denver to talk about energy innovation (Denver Post). Cyclists move through Independence Pass (Gazette). State Fair organizers expect a large turnout (KRDO). The USGS plans to monitor aftershocks from an earthquake near Trinidad (KKTV). Lt. Gov. Joe Garcia testifies in education funding lawsuit (Chieftain).
In El Paso County, school board recall efforts move forward (Gazette). D-49 is still considering a mill levy and bond measure (Gazette). The Colorado Springs Independent takes a look at redistricting the state's legislative districts and its potential impact on the county.
In Colorado Springs, council decides to put a Memorial Health System issue on the ballot (Colorado Springs Independent). The Independent examines child safety questions resulting from a police officer charged with sex offenses. Parents of a child who died playing a "choke game" hope they can help spread awareness (KOAA, KRDO, KKTV). Ft. Carson soldiers return after a year in the Middle East (Gazette, KRDO).
Pueblo's schools are expected to drop to the lowest category of achievement (Chieftain). A long-time East Side activist enters the city council race for District 2 (Chieftain).
The Raton Basin is included in an EPA study on hydraulic fracturing (Trinidad Times-Independent).
The Custer County Planning Commission approves a meat processing facility (Wet Mountain Tribune). Fremont County Commissioners consider redrawing commissioner districts (Canon City Daily Record). Canon City gets another city council candidate for District 2 (Canon City Daily Record). Florence's City Manager plans to retire (Canon City Daily Record).
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