Educators consider third grade reading a barometer for success in school and for high school graduation rates. But nearly 30 percent of the state’s third graders are reading below average. Some in the state say those children should be held back a year...Nearly half of audited Colorado employers are not complying with a state law to verify the legal status of newly hired workers...and, Colorado regulators are taking up an independent panel’s recommendations for tweaking the state’s rules on hydraulic fracturing, or fracking.
Three forums in El Paso County are as follows:
Thursday, 11/10/11, UCCS Centennial Room, 6:30 PM
Friday, 11/11/11, Fountain Library, 6:30 PM
Monday, 11/14/11, Sand Creek Library, 4:00 PM
For more from the COGCC, visit their website, which includes the Gasland response document.