Corruption Risk in Colorado

Colorado Public Radio is working with the State Integrity Project to examine whether Colorado goverment is open and accessible to the public, and whether the laws meant to guard against corruption are being enforced. We'll have reports on this in the coming weeks, starting Monday in Morning Edition and Colorado Matters when the full findings will be released.

The State Integrity Project is doing extensive research in all 50 states. If you want to predict where Colorado ranks, go here . You could win a Kindle Fire! The sweepstakes closes March 18.

The State Integrity Project is a collaboration of three organizations:

The methodology was designed by Global Integrity, a nonprofit organization with deep experience measuring and promoting transparency and accountability in more than 100 countries worldwide. Global Integrity also will help spearhead outreach efforts by citizens to use the data to effect positive change in state governments.

The Center for Public Integrity, a nonprofit, nonpartisan investigative news organization, oversaw and edited the work of local reporters who were hired based on experience covering their state's government. Independent reviewers further vetted the state data for accuracy. Several companion stories were produced by the Center’s partners in the Investigative News Network.

Public Radio International manages the State Integrity Investigation website ( and a social media campaign to get the public invested in supporting honest government. On the site and Facebook, people can send their state report cards to public officials, offer solutions and surface problems. PRI is distributing the investigation to its public radio affiliates and ethnic media.