Denver City Council to vote on loosening penalties for 18-21 year olds caught with pot

CPR/Irvin Coffee
Inside the grow operation of Options Medical.
Photo: Marijuana in Colorado 4
Marijuana supporter celebrates ratification of Amendment 64, which legalized pot in Colorado, by smoking on the Capitol steps.

Since the passage of Amendment 64 last year, people over 21 can possess up to one ounce of pot, and people under 18 face juvenile penalties for possession.

But currently, 18 to 21 year olds face harsher punishment, perhaps even jail time,

City Councilman Albus Brooks’s bill would change that.

“If you are 18 to 21 and you are in possession of marijuana, you will be charged with a civil infraction, and it will also be escalating fines of $150 for the first offence, $500 for the second offence and $999 for the third offence,” Brooks said.

Brooks says his bill has won unanimous approval in earlier Council hearings, so he’s expecting passage.

He says state lawmakers are likely to work on similar statewide legislation in the coming session.