A landlord in Pueblo has pleased guilty to code violations in rental properties. KRCC's Eliza Densmore reports.
The Pueblo Police Department’s Code Compliance Unit executed the case. The 14 units held a total of 70 code violations, including problems with plumbing, pests, and fire protection systems.
Code Enforcement Manager Karen Willson says the property was a source of complaints for several years and that substandard housing is a detriment not only to tenants, but to the wider community.
"It affects property values of surrounding properties. It affects the people who are living in those properties. It affects the neighbors that are living around those properties and we want to try to improve those issues for our citizens."
The landlord in this case, who remains unnamed, was fined $5,000, and the property has been boarded up with liens placed on it. Tenants of the building are in alternate housing.
Willson says there have been 3 or 4 cases of this magnitude since 2012.