250 companies have registered for Colorado’s new branding program since its launch last year, even as the logo faces a legislative challenge. KRCC’s Eliza Densmore reports.
“Making Colorado” looks to have a unified logo for products made in the state. The logo is currently under legislative review after mixed reaction.
Chief Marketing Officer Aaron Kennedy says the new registrations are a great start and it’s too early to tell what may come of action at the statehouse.
"Design is a qualitative thing and different people have different aesthetics. It’s always the case that a new graphic design has resistance. You can look at the Starbucks example when they evolved their logo or Yahoo when they evolved their logo or any number of other circumstances. It is a natural progression that you just have to work through."
By registering with the program, the companies are allowed to display the badge on their products and marketing materials. The logo was released last year as a result of widespread collaboration among Colorado residents and officials.
Note: Since this report was completed, Ed Sealover of the Denver Business Journal tweeted that the legislative challenge to the logo has failed in committee.
The attempt to suspend the new green-mountain Colorado logo fails on a 6-5 party-line vote, w/ Dems backing logo and GOP against it. #coleg
— Ed Sealover (@ESealoverDenBiz) February 5, 2014