The Ivy Street Ensemble, a trio of Colorado Symphony musicians, plays a free concert Tuesday featuring two pieces with the title “Serenade.”
Beethoven wrote the first piece in 1795-96. Composer Kenji Bunch wrote his own "Serenade" as a commission for Ivy Street, which features Cathy Peterson on flute, Erik Peterson on violin and Phillip Stevens on viola. The group premiered Bunch's piece in 2013.
The free lunchtime concert, presented by Friends of Chamber Music, is open to the public and begins at 12:30 p.m. Tuesday at Trinity United Methodist Church, 1820 Broadway in Denver.
Click the audio above to Charley Samson and members of Ivy Street talk about their collaboration with Bunch and what makes "Serenade" such a challenging piece in concert.
Or check out this video to see Ivy Street perform an excerpt from Bunch’s “Serenade”: