“The Narrators: Second Listen” is an ongoing series that explores the elements of storytelling and how storytelling affects our lives.
The segment is produced by Robert Rutherford, Andrew Orvedahl and Ron Doyle. Rutherford and Orvedahl host a monthly storytelling show called “The Narrators” every third Wednesday at the Buntport Theater.
In the second episode of “The Narrators: Second Listen,” Rutherford and Orvedahl explore the idea of how we represent ourselves and our personal narratives through devices that provide very tightly controlled versions of ourselves. More specifically, what kinds of stories do our resumes tell?
Volunteers share their resumes with Rutherford and Orvedahl and discuss the stories therein.
You can catch this episode on air during The Colorado Art Report this Friday at 10:30 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. The segment is also available online on demand.