GOP gubernatorial candidate Bob Beauprez loaned another $317,000 to his campaign in recent weeks, bringing his total personal investment to $844,000.
But Democratic Gov. John Hickenlooper continued to out-raise Beauprez based on reports filed Monday for the period between Oct. 9 and 22. Hickenlooper raised $367,000 during the two weeks to Beauprez’s $224,000. It’s the final report for statewide candidates and committees before Election Day next week.
Hickenlooper has raised nearly $5.4 million for his campaign, while Beauprez has raised about $1.7 million. Beauprez’s total doesn’t include his loans.
But the Republican Governor’s Association is spending nearly $5.4 million, mostly on TV ads, to support Beauprez.
The Democratic Governor’s Association has donated nearly $4.9 million to groups supporting Hickenlooper and opposing Beauprez, including another $2.4 million to Making Colorado Great. That’s the group airing anti-Beauprez ads, which is also supported by several unions and individuals.
Here’s a look at fundraising by all statewide candidates through Oct. 22:
$50 million on ballot initiatives
But the big money – more than $50 million – is being spent on two ballot initiatives.
Coloradans for Better Schools has raised and spent more than $19 million in their effort to pass Amendment 68, which would allow casino gambling at a racetrack in Arapahoe County. The racetrack owner is the sole funder of the initiative.
Opponents of 68, Don’t Turn Racetracks into Casinos, have raised and spent $16 million. That money comes from Ameristar Casino Resort in Blackhawk, Isle of Capri Casinos, Jacobs Entertainment and other casino owners in three historic mountain towns that have casino gambling.
Meanwhile, the No on 105 Coalition has raised almost $16.5 million and spent $15 million in an effort to defeat a measure that would require labeling of genetically modified food. Dupont Pioneer donated $3 million during the most recent two weeks, while Coca Cola gave $1.1 million and Land O’Lakes added $900,000.
Right to Know Colorado GMO, the group supporting Proposition 105 on GMO labeling, has raised about only $900,000 from a variety of natural foods interest groups and companies, as well as individuals.
Here’s a look at ballot measure spending on the three issues with the bulk of fundraising:
A look at legislative races
With so much money spent on the two initiatives, the governors races and federal contests for U.S. Senate and House seats, it’s easy to overlook state legislative battles.
But some of those races are drawing big money for candidates, including three state Senate contests in Jefferson County where Republicans are trying to unseat Democrats and take control of the Senate.
House District 59 in Durango is also drawing plenty of cash as Republican J. Paul Brown tries to unseat Democratic Rep. Mike McLachlan.
But Democrats are leading Republicans in the candidate fundraising race through Oct. 22, an analysis of of data downloaded from the Secretary of State’s site indicates.
Among the top races, only Republican Sen. Bernie Herpin of Colorado Springs is outraising his opponent, former Democratic Rep. Mike Merrifield. Herpin won his seat in part because of voter anger over gun control measures led to the recall of Senate President John Morse in 2013.
Here’s a look at the 24 general election candidates who have raised more than $100,000 so far:
Outside spending
And that’s only candidate money. A variety of groups on both sides are spending millions of dollars independently in these top House and Senate races.
Here’s a look at outside spending on the governor’s race, the attorney general’s race and legislative races: