Cody Campbell, of Summerville, Oregon, competed in the Professional Bull Riders (PBR) Touring Pro Finale at the Denver Coliseum last Wednesday.
Campbell, 27, started riding professionally nearly 10 years ago after growing up on a ranch in northeastern Oregon. Now he typically competes in more than 100 events every year. In 2014, a broken ankle sidelined him for a significant part of the year.
"There’s not much of an off-season. If you want to take a rest, you can. But I like going as much as I can, because if I’m sitting at home, I’m not making any money. I’ve been doing this for long enough that it doesn't affect you that much mentally because in bull riding you’re going to get hurt. That’s part of the sport, part of what we deal with. Our bodies know how to ride bulls. Really you have to get your head out of the way and let yourself react. A lot of times if you’re thinking, you’re going to make mistakes. And I still get that rush. If I didn't, I probably wouldn't do it anymore because I could find a lot easier and more safe ways to make a living. But I love doing this and still crave it, so I’m going to do it as long as I still have that craving."
The National Western Stock Show runs through this weekend. Check here for more Sounds of the Stock Show installments.
CPR's Nathaniel Minor contributed to this report.