knew he was missing, but when they contacted police on Feb. 4 they weren’t sure where the search ought to begin. As it turns out, though, he was driving an SUV rented at a Los Angeles airport. That was a big help to Ouray County Sheriff’s deputies, who were able to track it down using the vehicle’s GPS signal.
But it was too late to help Junge, a 28-year-old man from Copenhagen, Denmark. The vehicle was upside down in a creek 400 feet down a cliff on the side of Red Mountain Pass. His body was inside. The sheriff’s office says deputies found no skid marks or other tire tracks on Highway 550 above the crash site.
The Ouray County Coroner’ office identified the body, but has yet to list an official cause of death. Recovery crews tried once without success to raise the vehicle out of the canyon with a crane on Wednesday. On Thursday they brought in a wrecker to complete the work.