Two bills that would allow professionals to deny services based on their religious views failed in the state legislature Monday. Both were related to recent complaints against Colorado bakers.
Backers of both bills said they would help several bakers who are facing civil rights complaints. One refused to make a cake for a gay wedding, the others refused to decorate cakes with anti-gay statements.
Attorney Nicolle Martin represents the Lakewood baker who turned down a gay couple’s request for a wedding cake.
"Whether you’re an atheist, whether you’re a person of faith, you shouldn’t have to do things that are contrary to your conscience," she told the committee.
However, opponents of the religious conscience bills say they would have legalized discrimination.
"Where do you draw the line at? Isn’t the true line here is, stop being cruel to each other and don’t use religion to be cruel towards each other?" asked Democratic Representative Joe Salazar.
The two religious exemption bills both failed on bipartisan votes.