Students in Colorado are near the top when it comes to shouldering the cost of paying for their college education, according to the Boulder-based State Higher Education Executive Officers Association.
Tuition dollars make up about 72.9 percent of the cost of a Colorado college education – the fourth-highest percentage in the nation. That's well above the national average of 47.1 percent. Check out State Higher Education Executive Officers's chart below:
This continues Colorado’s post-recession trend of tuition dwarfing the amount of state dollars supporting higher education.
Vermont tops the list with students paying 85 percent of the cost. Wyoming students pay the lowest share, at 15 percent. Colorado’s spending per student is $3,529 below the national average of $6,552 per student.
Nationally, per-student appropriations are still 19 percent lower than pre-recession levels. Only three states are allocating more for colleges than they did in 2008.