Red light cameras: Whether you love or hate them, you may soon get to vote on them.
A state Senate committee on Tuesday approved a bill that would require every city in Colorado with red light traffic cameras to include a question on the 2016 ballot, asking residents if the community should be allowed to keep them.
Republican Sen. David Balmer, cosponsor of the bipartisan bill, said the public hates red light cameras.
"People think that they are unfair. People believe in their hearts that red light cameras are wrong," Balmer said.
Many cities and law enforcement agencies oppose doing away with red light cameras, arguing they reduce T-bone crashes at intersections.
Fort Collins Police Lt. Craig Horton told lawmakers that just because the public doesn’t like the cameras doesn’t mean they aren’t helpful.
"I don’t want to know how many other issues that we would want to put in front of voters so that they could decide for themselves whether or not police officers enforce that," Horton said.
The red light camera bill passed committee with bipartisan support. It now heads to the full state Senate.