Missoula: Rape and the Justice System, he took some heat from Missoula County Attorney, Kirsten Pabst, and her supporters. But last night, when he journeyed to Missoula and spoke about the book and its critical look at the way rape is prosecuted there, he was greeted by an overwhelmingly supportive crowd - and one or two hecklers -- Montana Public Radio reports.
Still, he says he was surprised at first by the defensive tone of some local officials and residents -- until he put himself in their shoes. "I like Missoula," he said.
"I grew up in Corvallis, Oregon. It’s like a smaller version of Missoula. I get it now, that if somebody had come to town and written: 'Corvalis,' I personally wouldn’t have been upset, but I know a lot of people in Corvallis would have been. So I get it."
This is how the #Krakauer talk ended. Attorney started peppering him w/ questions amid boos from audience: http://t.co/xtrGPhk77W