Nicole Nicoletta is Manitou Springs' newest mayor after the completion of the official election canvass.
After El Paso County election officials considered military and overseas votes, which were due by November 12, a 10-vote margin still separated Nicole Nicoletta from Coreen Toll.
Ryan Parsell with the clerks office says the race was close, but says it wasn't "close enough to trigger a recount. Close enough certainly to generate a lot of interest in what the procedure is or would have been if a recount had been necessary."
Under Colorado law, an automatic recount is triggered if the results fall within parameters of a specific algorithm. That's when "the difference between the highest number of votes cast in that election and the next highest... is less than or equal to one-half of one percent of the highest vote cast in that election contest."
The election did not meet that threshold. Parsell says no recount has been requested.