El Paso County residents are being asked to submit input regarding voter service and polling center locations in preparation for this year's presidential election.
The county uses the public input to make sure voting is as convenient as possible during election season.
Ryan Parsell with the Clerk and Recorder's office says having an updated voter registration file is crucial for the success of the voting process, as is reexamining polling locations.
"We certainly have some locations that we've used in the past and that we'd like to use again," says Parsell. "But some of the locations that have been used in the past wont be available this time either."
Polling centers give citizens an alternative to mailing in ballots. During election season voters can use them for a variety of services including registering to vote and getting a replacement ballot.
Comments are being accepted through February. They can be emailed to Elections Manager Liz Olson at lizolsonATelpasocoDOTcom. Those with comments can also call 719-520-6222.