State lawmakers still can't agree on whether or how undocumented immigrants should be able to get Colorado drivers licenses -- two of them debated the issue Monday on Colorado Matters. Now they have a related issue to debate: Scammers who take advantage of immigrants desperate to land an appointment with the state agency that issues the documents.
On Monday, Democrats in the state House and Senate introduced a bill that targets the scammers, who falsely claim they can move an applicant to the front of the line -- for a price. From the legislation:
The bill prohibits a person from reserving or obtaining and selling, intending to sell, bundling in a sale, or selling without obtaining a government service or appointment publicly available without charge. The prohibition does not apply when the person has consent from the government entity or when the person is selling or offering to sell only information. A violation of the prohibition is a class 1 misdemeanor. The bill also makes a violation a deceptive trade practice, which allows the attorney general and district attorneys to seek civil penalties for a violation.