Almost 500 firefighters are battling the Cold Spring Fire, in the air and on the ground. The fire continues to cover about 600 acres.
Boulder County Sheriff Joe Pelle says they’re doing everything they can to protect homes, but warns there are many hot spots.
"Just be reassured that these crews are actively working to protect and save your home," Pelle told a community meeting in Nederland on Monday afternoon.
The fire perimeter contains 65 structures. Pelle says he’s optimistic the fire lines are holding – and they can contain it. But he says he’s not optimistic people will be back in their homes within a day or two.
"I know that's not what you want to hear," Pelle said. "But when I go back in there and look, and see what I see, there's active fire or hot stuff around many, many many of the homes."
Two campers from Alabama were arrested Sunday in connection with the fire.