The City of Colorado Springs is encouraging input from community members to help to renew the North Nevada Corridor.
The city released a survey and is expected to hold four community workshops over the next few months to address the corridor extending from Garden of the Gods Road to the Rock Island Trail south of Fillmore Street.
Nina Vetter is a city analyst and says the North Nevada area was flagged as, what she calls, an economic opportunity zone.
"The intent at the end of the day is to have a plan that enhances the strength in the corridor, addresses some of the challenges that we have [in] the corridor, and really gets North Nevada underway in terms of creating a thriving gateway for our community," says Vetter.
Vetter says the workshops are sequential and encourages folks to attend all of them if possible.
The plan is expected to be completed by March of 2017.
The first community workshop will take place on August 3rd at 5:30 PM at the Expo Center on North Nevada Avenue.