Some blood donation centers around Colorado Springs are reporting low supplies and asking the community to donate.
Carolann Books is the donor recruitment coordinator for Penrose-St. Francis. She says this is typically a challenging time of year.
"A lot of our blood donations come from blood drives at businesses or schools and churches," she says. "And of course, over the summer, everyone is busy; they're vacationing, and so sometimes our blood supply can drop."
Books says this is the largest drop the hospital's donation center has seen in several years.
Bonfils Blood Center, which helps supply blood across the state, is also experiencing a shortage, according to a recent statement on the organization's website.
Hospitals use donations to replenish blood supply after accidents, performing surgical procedures, and for cancer treatments.
To donate at the Penrose-St. Francis donation center, call 719-776-5714 to make an appointment.