Protestors disrupted the only televised debate Tuesday night between Republican candidate Darryl Glenn and incumbent Democratic U.S. Sen. Michael Bennet. During the debate, aired by 9News, about two dozen people banged on the History Colorado building and chanted things like “open the debate” and “the media is bought.”
Outside, a protestor dressed as a rabbit held a sign that read “Let Arn in” – a reference to Arn Menconi, the Green Party candidate for U.S. Senate in Colorado. Menconi didn't reach the required 10 percent of the polls to participate. The man in the bunny suit told The Colorado Independent’s Corey Hutchins that “I’ve had [the suit] for years, just for such occasions.”
Outside of the protest, which was acknowledged on the air during the televised debate, Glenn was grilled about his off-again-on-again support for Presidential candidate Donald Trump.
The state’s Republican Party candidate for the senate seat supported the GOP presidential nominee until video surfaced of Trump making lewd comments about women. Then Glenn said the remarks disqualified Trump for the presidency. He later reconsidered that position, saying he had invited Trump to a meeting and would take a wait-and-see attitude. His opponent, Michael Bennet pressed him Tuesday during the debate on this. Glenn responded by saying he’s suspended his endorsement of Trump while he waits for that meeting.
Debate moderators pressed Bennet on Democrat Hillary Clinton’s statement that some of Trump’s supporters are deplorable. Bennet said he disagreed with the candidate who he will be appearing with on Wednesday in a campaign stop for Clinton in Pueblo.
Read More: Colorado U.S. Senate Race: Bennet, Glenn, Williams And Hammons On The Issues