Donald Trump preached congressional term limits and encouraged his supporters to ignore the mainstream news media during a campaign stop in Colorado Springs on Tuesday.
"Forget the press, read the internet, study other things, don't go for the mainstream media," Trump told supporters at a rally in Colorado Springs. When it comes to the internet, "you do get some dishonesty, too, but at least you can separate. At least you have a choice."
- Also: Colorado Is Again Feeling That Swing State Attention
- Full Coverage: The Colorado Voter's Guide To0 The 2016 Election
Trump said he wants a constitutional amendment to impose term limits of members of Congress, part of what he called a bigger plan to "drain the swamp" of Washington corruption. He also proposed:
- A 5-year ban on lobbying by former members of the executive branch and former members of Congress.
- Expanding the definition of a lobbyist so that former government officials can't bypass that ban by calling themselves consultants and advisors.
- A lifetime ban on former senior executive branch officials from lobbying on behalf of foreign governments, and a curb on foreign lobbyists raising money in US elections.
Currently, House members can serve an unlimited number of two-year terms, while senators can serve an unlimited number of six-year terms.
Trump has been escalating his anti-press message in recent weeks, as well as alleging there will be fraud at polling places. Clinton aide Jen Palmieri said Tuesday, Trump is "losing and he wants to blame somebody else — and that's what losers do."
President Barack Obama has also weighed in, saying the Republican nominee needs to "stop whining" and go make his case to voters. He spoke during a news conference Tuesday with Italian Prime Minister Matteo Renzi at the White House.
The president said there is simply no evidence of widespread fraud, and it says a lot about Trump that he's complaining even before the election takes place.
Swing State Status Attracts Attention

With ballots in the mail and Election Day closing in, Trump's latest visit to Colorado is again evidence of its swing state status, gathering the focused attention of campaigns trying to lock in the vote – and not just for the presidency.
Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders spoke to a large crowd at CU Boulder Monday to rally support for universal healthcare Amendment 69, known as ColoradoCare.
For Sanders, it wasn’t his first rally of the day, or for the weekend. Earlier Monday, he was in Fort Collins to help drive the vote for Hillary Clinton at Colorado State University. Just a day before, he appeared alongside Massachusetts Sen. Elizabeth Warren to bolster Clinton at a Denver campaign event.
Both Trump and Clinton visited the state earlier in October, stopping in Pueblo. Trump’s stop also included a visit to Northern Colorado, holding a rally in Loveland.
Surrogates have been touring here as well. Tim Kaine helped drive voter registration with Dave Matthews at the National Western Complex. On the other side of the aisle, Donald Trump Jr. met with supporters in Boulder on Monday after speaking at a suburban Denver gun club.