A new plan released Tuesday for Colorado’s aging population recommends a new high-level position to oversee the state’s work. The proposed executive branch position would coordinate state efforts on aging issues. The state’s 65-plus population is growing at an unprecedented pace, the third fastest in the nation.
The recommendations also include a comprehensive account of all state spending related to aging to help policymakers prioritize and plan.
“Nobody really knows how much Colorado is spending on aging related programs and other initiatives,” said Mike Saccone, spokesman for the Strategic Action Planning Group on Aging.
The planning group made recommendations on everything from preventing fraud and abuse to ensuring a workforce to care for aging Coloradans and bolstering retirement savings. The strategy group was created in 2015 to develop a long-term plan for the state. By 2030, residents over 65 will grow by 68 percent – more than half a million people.
It’s a “demographic shift already underway,” Saccone said, and the recommendations would help “make sure that Colorado is actively planning for aging and preparing for aging.”
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