A painting of President Donald Trump will soon join other presidential portraits at the Colorado Capitol, but not before a prank spurred quicker action.
In late July, pranksters placed a portrait of Russian President Vladimir Putin at the Colorado Capitol building near a spot reserved for a portrait of President Donald Trump.
A Democratic state senator tweeted a picture, which highlighted that Trump’s portrait hadn’t been added to the wall.
As seen in the Colorado State Capitol Hall of Presidential Portraits today...#putinpotus pic.twitter.com/cW2cmqtmWM
Colorado Senate President Kevin Grantham created a GoFundMe account to raise the necessary $10,000 cost.
Colorado Springs portrait artist Sarah Boardman has been commissioned to paint President Trump. She has also painted the portraits of Presidents Barack Obama and George W. Bush that reside in the capitol building.
This isn’t the first time this year that someone found a state portrait that caused controversy. In April 20 portraits were discovered in the Colorado State Archives in downtown Denver. One was of a KKK governor.
Boardman isn’t yet available for comment and no timeline of completion has been set.