There’s a new home for CPR Classical in Fort Collins and surrounding areas at 88.3 FM. This new signal makes Colorado Public Radio’s extensive range of classical music—from masterworks to contemporary—more accessible than ever for listeners in northern Colorado.
As part of this service enhancement, CPR’s new and independent music service, which has been heard on 88.3 FM in Fort Collins since 2015, has moved to 90.9 FM to serve listeners in downtown Fort Collins.
“We’ve made these changes in northern Colorado to support a long-term goal to bring CPR’s classical and independent music to more of the state,” said Senior Vice President of Programming Sean Nethery. “The new signals will provide more opportunities for Fort Collins-area listeners to explore and discover the broad spectrum of music shaping the cultural identity of Colorado.”
CPR is always evaluating opportunities to better serve our audience. Expanding the broadcast reach of CPR Classical north of metro-Denver is an integral part of Colorado Public Radio’s efforts to strengthen its statewide network and be a community resource that delivers music and news for all of Colorado and its growing population.
See the statewide map of CPR frequencies to find a station where you are and see other ways to listen at cpr.org.