Colorado Sen. and Democratic presidential candidate Michael Bennet has unveiled his policy blueprint for America.
He’s calling it the Real Deal.
Bennet’s plan is a practical, pragmatic vision for America that comes with a $6 trillion price tag. It stands in stark contrast to the proposals from some of his Democratic rivals who have talked about free college, Medicare for All and Universal Basic Income on the campaign trail.
He’s arguing that the policy failures of the Trump administration can’t be fixed with “empty promises of free stuff.”
“There is a better way,” Bennet said in a statement. “With The Real Deal, we can turn away from the politics of empty promises and can’t-do rhetoric. We can choose to invest in our country and our future.”
His blueprint has three main policy pillars: Rebuild the Middle Class and End Childhood Poverty; Expand Opportunity for All; and Tackle Generational Challenges.
Many of the ideas in the plan are ones he’s stumped on before, such as:
- Expanding the Child Tax Credit
- Universal pre-K
- The public health care option known as Medicare-X
- A pathway to the middle class for Americans who don’t have a 4-year college degree
- Public-private partnership to deal with climate change.
Bennet also outlines how he’d pay for his agenda over 10 years. It includes a number of tax changes, including ending loopholes in Trump’s tax plan, raising the corporate rate to 28 percent, investing in stronger IRS enforcement and enacting comprehensive immigration reform.
Bennet continues to trail behind the leading contenders in the race for the Democratic nomination for president. He’s been campaigning in New Hampshire, where he’s hoping for a top-three finish in next month’s primary.