A third Colorado patient tested for coronavirus does not have the infection.
Health officials said Tuesday that testing sent to the Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta came back negative for the infection as it did for two previous patients. None of the people who have been tested for the virus in Colorado have it.
The Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment said they will now only announce test results when someone has the virus.
The latest patient is being treated in metro Denver. The two previous patients who tested negative for the virus were in northern Colorado and Lakewood respectively. All three patients showed respiratory symptoms and had a history of travel from China.
The "novel" coronavirus originated in Wuhan, China, and has killed more than 100 people in that country.
It’s normal in situations like this to have multiple cases under investigation because health care providers are being extra cautious, according to Dr. Rachel Herlihy, a communicable disease epidemiologist with CDPHE.
Herlihy said the risk of infection is low for Coloradans.