Video: Senate Votes To Acquit On Final Day Of The Trump Impeachment Trial

The Senate voted to acquit President Donald Trump on both articles of impeachment.

Wednesday afternoon's vote brought an end to only the third presidential impeachment trial in American history.

The impeachment vote comes at the start of a tumultuous campaign for the White House. Trump is eager to use the tally as vindication and a political anthem in his reelection bid.

Republican Sen. Mitt Romney of Utah was the first and likely only Republican in the Senate's impeachment trial to break ranks and vote to convict Trump.

Romney was his party's 2012 presidential nominee, and he's clashed often with Trump. Romney says he believes Trump was guilty of “an appalling abuse of public trust" when Trump pressured Ukraine's leaders to investigate Democratic rival Joe Biden.

The chamber's top Republican, Majority Leader Mitch McConnell, again slammed the impeachment drive of House Democrats as “the most rushed, least fair and least thorough" in history and confirmed that he will vote to acquit Trump.

Top Senate Democrat Chuck Schumer accused Republicans of sweeping Trump's misconduct under the rug. One key Democrat, Alabama Sen. Doug Jones, has now announced he will vote to convict.

A majority of senators have expressed unease with Trump's pressure campaign on Ukraine that resulted in the two articles of impeachment. But there was nowhere near the two-thirds vote necessary in the Republican-held Senate to remove the president from office.

Read More: Giuliani Says Trump Should '100%' Investigate Biden After Expected Senate Acquittal (via