The Curious Theatre Company 2020-2021 season lineup is packed with premieres that take aim at some of society’s most pressing issues.
The centerpiece of the Denver theater company’s 23rd performance season is the world premiere of “Refuge.” According to a release, the bilingual play was in development with Curious for 18 months, and involved artists from North and South America. Written by Andrew Rosendorf and, featuring original music and lyrics by Satya Jnani Chavez and puppetry, it follows a young Honduran girl who crosses the U.S. border.
Also are the lineup are regional premieres of two plays that had popular runs on Broadway. “The Lifespan of a Fact” is about a meticulous fact-checker who has a tussle with an author who believes narrative trumps accuracy. And “American Son” tackles racial divisions through the story of interracial parents trying to understand what happened to their son.
"Living in such incredibly polarized times right now, sometimes even the simplest of conversations can feel impossible when we cannot even agree on the common starting ground of facts," producing artistic director Chip Walton said in a statement to CPR News. "Our lived experiences have become so divided and separate that we no longer speak one shared language, but rather find ourselves talking about the exact same thing while not understanding each other at all. So it should be no surprise that our 23rd Season features a collection of the newest and boldest American plays that explore precisely this landscape."
The season will finish with two yet-to-be-announced plays. Curious described one of those works as “immediate, powerful and shows a point of view not normally seen in the American theatre.” The final show hasn’t even been determined yet. In the release, the theater company said it’s holding that slot “as we sift through many possibilities.”
“As Curious' focus is on the very latest, most relevant work, sometimes our timelines and those of agents don't quite line up,” the release said.
The new season runs September 2020 through June 2021.