This post will be updated throughout the day.
Updates-4:15 p.m.
---Updated State Data---
There are 11,262 known confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the state, according to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. This includes both people who tested positive for the virus and people who have been in contact with someone who tested positive and is exhibiting symptoms.
2,237 people have been hospitalized and 552 people have died thus far due to the novel coronavirus in Colorado. More than 52,324 people have been tested, though the number may not include all negative results.
There are 130 outbreaks reported at residential and non-hospital healthcare facilities.
This data is complete through Wed., April 22.
In Southern and Southeastern Colorado counties, known cases of COVID-19 are as follows:
- El Paso – 798 (+24 from the previous day)
- Douglas – 399 (+7)
- Pueblo – 114* (+5)
- Chaffee – 58* (+2)
- Teller – 25
- Elbert – 26 (+2)
- Kit Carson – 18
- Baca – 10
- Fremont – 19
- Alamosa – 9
- Otero – 7
- Costilla – 3
- Las Animas – 3
- Lincoln – 3
- Custer – 2
- Crowley – 2
- Huerfano – 1
- Prowers – 1
- Kiowa – 0
*Pueblo County is reporting 114 cases, not all of which are currently reflected in state data. Chaffee County has reported 58 cases total, not all of which are reflected in state data.
Additionally, Colfax County in Northern New Mexico is reporting five known cases of COVID-19, which is the same as the previous report.
---State Receives N95 Respirator Decontamination System---
The state has received a Battelle Critical Care Decontamination System that is used to clean and disinfect N95 respirators so that they can be reused. According to the state, the system can clean and decontaminate up to 80,000 used respirators per day, allowing one respirator 20 additional uses without any adverse consequences.
Colorado is expecting to receive two of these systems from U.S. Health and Human Services and the Federal Emergency Management Agency.
One is being installed at the Adams County Fairgrounds. A location for the second unit is still being determined.
In order to get respirators cleaned, health care providers need to fill out an enrollment form.
---Pueblo County Testing Site Uses Self-Administered Procedure---
A new drive-thru testing site at the Colorado State Fairgrounds that opened today is having those being tested conduct their own swabbing.
According the Pueblo Department of Public Health and Environment, patrons will swab their own nostrils instead of an attendant conducting a more invasive nasal swab. The goal is to limit interaction and reduce possible exposure to the new coronavirus. That in turn, puts less of a strain on personal protective equipment.
The tests are approved by the federal Food and Drug Administration.
The site is open from 9-3 Tuesdays, Wednesdays and Thursdays through May 30. It's open to anyone in Pueblo and neighboring counties who might be exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19, which can include difficulty breathing, cough and a fever of 100.4 or higher.
---Custer And Fremont Counties Seek Waivers To Control Their Own Reopenings---
As Colorado plans for its current statewide stay-at-home restrictions to expire, several Southern Colorado counties are looking for permission to conduct their own phased reopening of businesses.
In a Facebook announcement Wednesday, Custer County officials said they're planning to send a waiver application to the state aimed at allowing local officials to determine their own phases of reopening.
The move comes after Fremont County officials announced plans earlier this week to do much the same. Their request was dated Tuesday and addressed to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment.
Meantime, other Southern Colorado communities, including Chaffee, Las Animas and Huerfano counties, are currently maintaining the stricter stay-at-home directives through April 30.
--Latest Data From Colorado Department Of Public Health And Environment—
There are 10,878 known confirmed cases of COVID-19 in the state, according to the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment. This includes both people who tested positive for the virus and people who have been in contact with someone who tested positive and is exhibiting symptoms.
2,123 people have been hospitalized and 508 people have died thus far due to the novel coronavirus in Colorado. More than 48,000 people have been tested, though the number may not include all negative results.
There are 123 outbreaks reported at residential and non-hospital healthcare facilities.
This data is complete through Tues., April 21.
In Southern and Southeastern Colorado counties, known cases of COVID-19 are as follows:
- El Paso – 774
- Douglas – 392
- Pueblo – 109*
- Chaffee – 56*
- Teller – 25
- Elbert – 24
- Kit Carson – 18
- Baca – 10
- Fremont – 19
- Alamosa – 9
- Otero – 7
- Costilla – 3
- Las Animas – 3
- Lincoln – 3
- Custer – 2
- Crowley – 2
- Huerfano – 1
- Prowers – 1
- Kiowa – 0
*Pueblo County is reporting 109 cases, all of which are not yet reflected in state data. Chaffee County has reported 56 cases total, all of which are not yet reflected in state data. Chaffee County health officials have reduced the number by one as they discovered a duplicate entry.
Additionally, Colfax County in Northern New Mexico is reporting five known cases of COVID-19, which is the same as the previous report.