The following are guidelines the state has drafted for how Colorado restaurants can fully reopen for business. These are subject to change and do not indicate when they will take effect. The government encouraged feedback from stakeholders who are asked to fill out this state survey.
A date for reopening restaurants isn’t specified, but the guidelines are a start.
Pickup Only
- Limit restaurant service to walk up/ window/curbside pick up, or delivery only -- all bars to remain closed to in-person patrons (take-out permitted, e.g. beer sales/cocktail kits from a brewery)
- Elevate and increase frequency of cleaning practices, including sanitization of high touch areas
- Conduct daily temperature checks and monitor symptoms in employees, logging all results. Refer symptomatic employees to the CDPHE Symptom Tracker
- Post signage for employees and customers on good hygiene and other sanitation practices
- Clearly designate pick-up waiting areas with makers for proper distancing between parties and ensure they do not interfere within-establishment dining - whether indoors or outside
- Provide guidance and encouragement on maintaining 6 foot distancing between employees
- Wear gloves and facial coverings during customer interactions and whenever possible during meal-prep and other activities
- Institute frequent breaks to wash hands
- Require employees to stay home when showing any symptoms or signs of sickness
- Provide PPE (masks and gloves as appropriate) for employees who are managing deliveries, returns, etc
- Implement 6 foot distancing measures (i.e., marked space in check-out lines)
- Provide contactless payment options (whenever possible)
- Deny service to customers who fail to adhere to hygiene and social distancing guideline
On-Site Dining
All dining must stop service no later than 10 p.m.
Restaurants may continue curbside pickup/delivery, including alcohol pickup/delivery.
Outdoor dine-in service can be held with limited capacity, TBD based on the science, if the following requirements can be met:
- Minimum of 8 feet of spacing between parties - table to table.
- All employees must wear facial coverings and gloves
- Sanitization and deep-cleaning of all shared surfaces between seatings
Indoors dine-in service can be held at a limited capacity, TBD based on the science, if the following requirements can be met:
- Minimum of 8 feet of spacing between parties - table to table
- All employees must wear facial coverings and gloves
- Proper ventilation per OSHA guidance
- Sanitization and deep-cleaning of all shared surfaces between parties/at each turnover
Limit party size to six people or less
Make efforts to reduce congregating inside and outside the establishment including:
- Encouraging reservations, and preferably only utilizing a reservation system if feasible
- No communal seating
- No self service stations or buffets
- No seat yourself options
- No bar seating if the bar is being used for food or beverage service; if it’s not being used for service then parties could sit there under same requirements as a regular table
- Clearly mark floor and ground for queue spacing and foot traffic suggestions
- Place pylons, table tents or clearly marked decor or signage on tables not available for seating customers
Post clear signage notifying patrons and employees of hygiene and sanitation expectations, including not entering if they are experiencing any symptoms.
Minimize objects touched by multiple patrons including:
- Remove/close games and dance floors that require or encourage standing around (darts/pool tables/shuffle board, arcade games);remove board games
- Discontinue use of table cloths, or move to single-use or remove and replace laundered table cloths between partons
Clean and disinfect any shared objects thoroughly between uses
Increase cleaning and disinfection protocols and track with publicly posted cleaning logsincluding:
- Use disposable single-use menus, menu boards, or create online menus for guests to review from their electronic device
- Provide single use or single serving condiments
- Sanitize restrooms every 30 minutes
- Block off stalls and urinals with proper signage to support 6 ft between patrons. This may require reduced bathroom capacity or even only 1 person in a bathroom at a time.
Provide hand sanitizer at check-in table/desk and throughout the venue
- Conduct daily temperature and checks and monitor symptoms in all employees,logging all results. Refer symptomatic employees to the CDPHE Symptom Tracker.
- Require employees to stay home and refer to employer or state support when showing any symptoms or signs of sickness[ADD CDLE SICK LEAVE].
- Provide guidance, systems, and encouragement on maintaining 6 foot distancing between employees to the greatest extent possible
- Require employees to wear gloves and facial coverings during customer interactions and whenever possible during other activities
- Require facial coverings and gloves for vendors, suppliers, and contract workers entering the licensed establishment
- Encourage frequent breaks to wash hands (at least every 30 minutes) including upon arrival and departure
- Strict adherence to the hygienic practices listed in the Colorado Retail Food Regulations including:
- Frequent hand washing
- Changing of gloves between tasks,and
- Use a fresh pair of gloves aftereach hand washing
- Implement policies to limit group interactions including staggering of shift changes, breaks, etc
- Considering modifying the menu to create additional space in the kitchen and promote social distancing. Implement social distancing where practicable
- “All staff” meetings must follow social distancing. Consider virtual meetings or meetings outside with appropriate distancing.
- Only disposable cups. Leave personal water bottles at home.
- Family meals or shift meals should not be consumed onsite.
- Consider providing an option for customers to “sign in” to facilitate notifying them if an exposure occurs
- Utilize a reservation system as much as possible to help aid in contact tracing
- Provide contactless payment options (whenever possible)
- Ask customers to wait outside of restaurant and away from outside dining areas until seated in clearly marked area separate from food pick-up space, and maintain proper social distancing from other guests waiting to be seated
- Restrict standing and/or congregating in the bar area,entrance/exit, and any interior spaces.
- Continue curbside pick up/delivery options and recommend for vulnerable individuals
- Request facial coverings are worn by customers when not eating or drinking i.e., walking past other tables to get to the delivery. Consider refusing service to customers who refuse to adhere to hygiene and social distancing guidelines(restrictions based off of denial of service guidelines for alcohol)
- Make accommodations for individuals unable to adhere to hygiene and social distancing requirements, such as takeout
If there is a confirmed case among customers or employees the restaurant must notify and cooperate with their local public health agency on next steps