Today is the primary election in Colorado and there is still time to submit your ballot ... as long as you turn it in by 7 p.m.
Party nominations for U.S. Senate, the state legislature, district attorney and school boards are up for grabs.
"You can't complain about what's going on if you don't have a say in what's going on," said voter Troy Kall who dropped off his ballot in Denver Tuesday morning. "I feel like if I vote, I have a little more ground to walk on with arguments, discussions, things like that."
Voters can also register and vote in person at a voting center.
In one of the most high-profile races, Democrats are choosing between former Governor John Hickenlooper and former state House Speaker Andrew Romanoff to take on U.S. Senator Cory Gardner for his seat.
"I'm 23. A lot of 23-year-olds don't vote which makes me want to vote even more," said Olivia Storz after she dropped off her ballot at a box Tuesday.
She said she will be keeping a close eye on the result of the Senate race.
"I think we are living at a moment where democracy is essentially at stake," Storz said. "I'm German. I'm a student of German history. My dad has always taught me that democracy is something that you can't take for granted."
Independent voter Jason Barns said he didn't have many options on his ballot as many races on both tickets had only one candidate running.
"It's about getting in the habit," he said. "Independents were not allowed to participate before a couple years ago. I feel like it's my duty to participate because now I can."
Voters not affiliated with either major party were not able to participate in primaries before 2018. Now they may choose one to vote in. If they vote in more than one, both ballots are invalidated.
Ballots are due by 7 p.m. today. Here is where you can drop off your ballot in Denver, Boulder, Arapahoe, Adams, El Paso, Jefferson and Mesa counties.