Remember January? Remember February? Remember last year? Remember when Election Day for 2020 felt really far away?
Same. But that's why you're reading this — to remember those things! And to give yourself a few minutes away from the news of the day. So while we wait for Election 2020 results, let's take a short walk down memory lane and remember some of the Colorado things that we used to think were weird.
Remember the story about the Denver artists who recreate Nirvana music videos using dolls? — Denverite

Yeah...I didn't remember that either. But I did learn quite a bit about how long it takes to shoot a music video using dolls.
Remember the first time Colorado tried fracking with a nuclear bomb? — CPR News

(Wikimedia Commons)
A sign marks the western Colorado location of the 1969 underground nuclear bomb explosion known as Project Rulison. The bomb was detonated by the Atomic Energy Commission as part of Operation Plowshare, which hoped to find peacetime uses for nuclear devices.
On Sept. 10, 1969, six and a half miles south of Rulison, Colorado, a 40-kiloton nuclear bomb exploded in the subterranean depths of the Piceance Basin.
Again ... not quite something I remember, but I can tell you that much of this story reminds me of the Dharma Initiative, from Lost.
Remember when you learned why there are so many 'seagulls' hanging out in Denver parking lots? — Denverite

I realize this may be the first time you are learning that 'seagulls' are actually Colorado natives. In fact, those birds aren't really 'seagulls,' but ring-billed gulls, Franklin’s gulls and herring gulls.
Remember that time you went down Peña Boulevard ... on your bike? — CPR News

Well, maybe you didn't ride your bike on Peña Boulevard — but you could if you wanted to, because Peña Boulevard is a bike route. But does anyone actually use it?
Spoiler alert? Of course. This is Colorado, after all!
Remember that smell you smell, as you drive down I-70 near Denver? — Denverite

We've all smelled it. But that's not the only smell that might sniff in the city. Lucky for you, Denverite made a map of all the smells so you can catch a whiff of who's stinking up the place.
Remember that Denver has more dogs than children?

In late 2019, Denver Parks and Recreation estimated the city’s dog population at about 158,000 across 99,000 households. That’s more dogs than kids. About 140,000 children live in Denver, according to the latest U.S. Census estimates.
Finally, remember the ... ahem ... Bomb Cyclone? — CPR News

Kevin J. Beaty/Denverite
Luis Sanchez walks part of his daily route in Denver's Goldsmith neighborhood during a "bomb cyclone" blizzard, March 13, 2019.
How could you forget? In March 2019, a storm that hit Colorado underwent bombogenesis and thus became a bomb cyclone. It was rather wild. Businesses and roads were shut down, all runways at Denver International Airport were closed (although the mail never stops), and we even created a way for you to track whether a current Colorado storm is a bomb cyclone.