Friday is the final day to sign up for 2021 individual health coverage through the state's insurance exchange.
The deadline is for Coloradans who need individual health insurance, meaning they don't get it through their employer or a government program, like Medicare.
Missing the deadline means those who need coverage will have to wait until next year unless they experience certain life events, like marriage, birth of a child, divorce or loss of other health insurance.
“I’m thankful that so many people have found coverage through our Marketplace as the pandemic continues to devastate the health and wellbeing of our communities,” CEO Kevin Patterson said in a press release. “We’re here to help Coloradans secure financial help and choose a plan that gives them the care and peace of mind they deserve for this year.”
According to the exchange, every plan offered through it complies with the Affordable Care Act and includes essential health benefits. It also guarantees coverage for people no matter their medical history. All plans sold on the marketplace include free preventive health services, like vaccinations, annual primary care check-ups and screenings.
“Health insurance is always critical, but it’s especially urgent in 2021, as having health insurance will cover the costs for the COVID-19 vaccine,” said Colorado Insurance Commissioner Michael Conway in a statement.
“And getting everyone vaccinated will let us beat this pandemic. As always, individual, ACA-compliant plans offer coverage for preventive care, routine care and prescription benefits. They have coverage to protect you and your family if you get sick or injured.”
According to the exchange, as of Jan. 6, nearly 172,000 had signed up for health insurance during this open enrollment. That’s 9 percent more than last year’s total at the same point.
Consumers can enroll with insurance agents, directly with the insurance companies or through the state’s exchange, Connect for Health Colorado. People can also get help by calling 855-752-6749.
In-person assistance is provided through its statewide network of certified experts at connectforhealthco.com/person-help.
The exchange also offers tools like a Quick Cost & Plan Finder where consumers can check if they’re eligible for financial assistance and find a plan that fits their needs. Roughly 70 percent of people applying qualify for financial help, according to the exchange.