Updated at 11:21 a.m. with new press conference start time
Gov. Polis announced the third $1 million winner of Colorado's Comeback Cash Vaccine Drawing and the next five teen vaccine scholarship winners on Friday, June 18 at 12:20 p.m.
So far, two winners of the COVID vaccine drawing have been announced. There will be three more $1 million winners, including today's. The first winner of the sweepstakes had gotten vaccinated in March, and the second winner had been vaccinated more recently. The first five scholarship winners were announced last week.
If you're having trouble finding your name in the state's vaccine database, there's a hotline you can call for assistance.
While 12 counties in Colorado have at least 70 percent of eligible people vaccinated, Mesa County's vaccination rate has stayed stagnant, at 40 percent. Across the state, perhaps no group has been harder to get vaccinated than the more than 20 percent of Coloradans who identify as Hispanic. Just about 10 percent of the state’s doses have gone to Hispanic residents, according to the state’s vaccination dashboard.