Indie 102.3 and Colorado Public Radio are proud to be part of the public radio community. Public radio stations like ours provide music discovery for otherwise marginalized artists you won't find on commercial radio. Stations like Indie 102.3 are small in number but huge in impact. We provide a platform to artists who are typically ignored and left to fend for themselves.
Because of the important role that public radio stations play in music discovery and local artists, last week, Congress passed a resolution to make Nov. 10 Public Radio Music Day. What's more, the U.S. Senate voted for it unanimously.
Music on public radio, like Indie 102.3, serves and connects communities across the United States like nothing else. The music on Indie 102.3 is locally curated and hosted. We are independent, serve the communities we broadcast to, and are supported by listeners.
So join us and other public radio music stations, fans and performers in celebrating Public Radio Music Day and keep public radio strong. We couldn't do this without your support ? Learn more here.