"Tár" is the new psychological thriller from writer-producer-director Todd Field. It stars Cate Blanchett as Lydia Tár, the groundbreaking fictional conductor of the Berlin Philharmonic. Tár is a powerful, pop icon at the height of her career, wielding power over those around her. Just as she's preparing for both a book launch and a much-anticipated live performance of Mahler's Fifth Symphony, her life begins to unravel around her in a way that will feel familiar in our modern society.
"Tár" premiered at the Venice International Film Festival in September, where Blanchett won the award for best actress. Critics give "Tár" a 97% approval rating on Rotten Tomatoes' Tomatometer.
CPR Classical wants to send you to see "Tár" in Denver! Enter below to win tickets for use at the Chez Artiste theater for the run of the film beginning October 21.