A wave of grief has spread around the state after the deadly shooting at Club Q in Colorado Springs this weekend.
More than a dozen vigils and gatherings are already planned this week to mourn those killed and to help others heal. Participants can offer prayers, reflect, share their feelings or sit in silence at some events. At others, there will be songs, letter writing, poster making or other activities. Several have virtual options.
Here’s a list of events beginning late Monday afternoon. This is a growing list. Is there an event you know about that isn’t listed below? Email [email protected].
Monday, Nov. 21
Colorado Springs
UCCS Healing Circle
Candlelight Vigil (bring a candle)
UCCS Mountain Lion Statue
5 p.m.
First Congregational Church
Community Vigil
20 E. St. Vrain St.
5 p.m.
Acacia Park
Community Vigil
115 East Platte Ave.
5-7 p.m.
Parasol Patrol at Fritzy’s
Vigil and Open Mic
103 Wahsatch Ave.
6 p.m.
Grace and St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church
Prayer, Song and Silence
601 N. Tejon
6 p.m.
Vista Grande Community Church
Club Q Community Grief and Mourning
5460 Union Blvd. (and online)
7 p.m.
St. Micheal’s Episcopal Church
Prayer Vigil and Mass Shooting Litany
7400 Tudor Road
7 p.m.
Colorado Springs Police Department
Community Services Expo
UCCS Kevin W. O’Neill Cybersecurity & Research Center
3650 N. Nevada Ave.
8 a.m. - 7 p.m.
BE Together Letters to our Family
888 E. 50th Ave
6 - 9 p.m.
Tracks Denver at Reelworks
Candlelight Vigil with Interfaith Alliance of Colorado
3500 Walnut St.
7 p.m.
OASOS and Out Boulder County
LGTBQ youth and ally community space to come together
515 Coffman St. (Saint Vrain Hub)
5-7 p.m.
NoCo SafeSpace LGBTQIA+
Vigil and Speakers in Solidarity with TDOR and ClubQ
500 E. 3rd St.
5:30 p.m.
Tuesday, Nov. 22
Queer Asterisk
Support group in-person and online
100 Arapahoe Ave. #9
6-7:30 p.m.
Colorado Springs
Colorado Springs Police Department
Community Services Expo
UCCS Kevin W. O’Neill Cybersecurity & Research Center
3650 North Nevada Avenue
8 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Wednesday, Nov. 23
Colorado Springs
Colorado Springs Police Department
Community Services Expo
UCCS Kevin W. O’Neill Cybersecurity & Research Center
3650 North Nevada Ave.
8 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Rico’s at Poor Richards
Loud and Proud Open Mic - healing through music, storytelling and poems
320 N. Tejon St.
6 - 9 p.m.
Colorado State Capitol
Candlelight Vigil for Club Q (bring candles)
200 E. Colfax Ave.
5:30 p.m.
Estes Park
Estes Park United Methodist Church
1509 Fish Hatchery Road
4 p.m.
Friday, Nov. 25
Colorado Springs
Dragonfly Landing Family Services
Create posters to take to ClubQ in support
3225 Austin Bluffs Pkwy. Ste 101
9 a.m. - 3 p.m.
Metropolitan Community Church of the Rockies
Community Prayer Vigil
980 Clarkson St.
7 - 8 p.m
Saturday, Nov. 26
Bread and Roses Legal Center
Drag Queen Story Hour Fundraiser for Survivors
525 Santa Fe Dr.
5-8 p.m.