CPR Classical is thrilled to welcome Kabin Thomas to the team as senior host and producer. You’ll soon hear him hit the airwaves.
“I’m so excited to be here,” says Thomas. “It’s a dream to share classical music with folks every day and I look forward to meeting CPR Classical listeners.”
Kabin Thomas joins CPR Classical with an array of experience as a tuba player, actor and professor of classical music. He taught classical music to students at the University of Arkansas, Fayetteville. During that time he was also the narrator and host of the Emmy Award-winning documentary, “The Sound of Dreams,” about the Hot Springs Music Festival.
Kabin studied acting and music at Wayne State University, as well as the Universities of Michigan and Wisconsin. He played substitute tuba with the Detroit Symphony Orchestra for 14 years. He also served as a U.S. Marine and as a Musician/Sailor at the United States Naval Academy. As a Music Professor, Kabin taught the joys of classical music to over 5,000 students.
He and his wife have performed a show called, “Peace, Love, and TubaStanding,” which uses storytelling and music to tell a powerful story about love and courage amid racial tensions and fear.
"It is such an honor to be part of this impressive CPR Classical team,” says Kabin. “Like with the music appreciation classes I taught at the University of Arkansas, I like having fun with classical music, so I look forward to having a joyful, positive impact with my new friends, the CPR Classical listeners, as they go through their day."
Listen for Kabin during the Sound of the Season on CPR Classical soon.
Hear CPR Classical by clicking “Listen Live” at the top on this website, or download the Colorado Public Radio app. Listen on your radio to CPR Classical at 88.1 FM in Denver, at radio signals around Colorado. You can also tell your smart speaker to “Play CPR Classical."