KRCC News sent detailed surveys about some of the most critical issues facing city leaders, to the candidates running for the three “at-large” seats on Colorado Springs City Council. The short biography below is gleaned from the candidate's response, their websites and other sources.
The author of several books of prophetic Christian messaging in relation to government, Jane Northrup Glenn has also worked in the business and non-profit sectors. Along with supporting emergency responders and not trusting government, she believes that the city and its residents need to be self-sufficient and decentralized to be prepared for “bad things” in the next few years including economic hardships, another pandemic, food shortages and more.
Northrup Glenn grew up in Colorado Springs and holds a bachelor’s degree in home economics education from CSU in Fort Collins. After nearly three decades in Fort Collins, she returned to Colorado Springs with her husband, mayoral candidate Darryl Glenn, in 2016.
Role and vision
What is your elevator pitch for why voters in Colorado Springs should choose you as the next at-large council representative?
If you're not a fan of the government and you don't trust it as far as you can throw it, then you'll want to vote for me to keep it out of your life.
What do you see as the role and/or function of city government?
The core functions of the government are public safety, infrastructure and public works, land use, zoning, code enforcement, business licensing, etc. The government is not a friend, not a parent, not a social group, and certainly not a god. It needs to stay neutral on social, environmental and health issues and let families make decisions for themselves.
What is the number one challenge facing the next council of Colorado Springs, and how would you address it?
Understanding how bad things are going to get over the next several years and helping the citizens navigate those difficulties. We are going to see a major recession/depression, another pandemic, war, food shortages, civil unrest and more. I'll address it by speaking the truth and making sure we are prepared with solutions ahead of the problem.
What is your vision for Colorado Springs in the next 25 years, and what realistic policies do you propose to get us there?
I envision a city with decentralized systems allowing many micro-communities to form. Each community will rely on its members more than on the government to have their needs met.
Law enforcement / Public Safety
What is the most pressing public safety issue facing the city and how would you address it?
Having enough police officers to cover the increase in population and new developments. That's a recruiting issue. In order to recruit we need to reestablish respect for them. The Colorado legislature made a bad decision to remove qualified immunity from police officers, so we need to add a line item to the city budget for personal liability insurance for every officer. In addition, we need to launch a community campaign reminding people, especially young people, to cooperate with law enforcement officers while they're doing their jobs.
What is your response to the findings from the audit on how the Colorado Springs Police Department uses force? What, if any, changes need to be made to the way CSPD operates?
It made me proud of my city's police department.
What do you think of the current relationship between the Colorado Springs Police Department and the public? Is it acceptable or should more be done, and if so, what?
It is not acceptable. Businesses and citizens are not pleased with the response times nor with what the officers can actually do (ie. not arresting shoplifters, etc.). Also, there are pockets of the community that think it's okay to disrespect officers and that is not acceptable.
What do you think of the Law Enforcement Transparency and Advisory Commission (LETAC)? What would you do differently with this commission or its purpose if given the chance?
I'm not a fan. My preference would be to disband it, but if that isn't going to happen, I think the members of the commission need to be former law enforcement officers since they understand the nuances of each situation.
Emergency officials are implementing new notification software and other measures in the case of a wildfire or other hazard, but some residents say that isn’t enough. How would you address their concerns?
Evacuation plans are a critical component of the city's overall public safety. For that reason, I think every new council should revisit the plan and amend it if necessary.
How do you define sustainable and responsible growth, and is the city successful in growing responsibly and sustainably?
We are not growing responsibly. We can slow the growth by shifting to organic growth from contrived growth and this is done by eliminating future incentives, subsidies, and special tax districts for developers and placing a moratorium on annexations until we can accurately assess the state of our resources.
What different approach would you take, if any, to help address housing affordability?
I wouldn't take any approach. It's not the government's job to do that.
Infill is identified in the PlanCOS master plan as a key strategy for the city moving forward, and yet, council is currently debating annexations. How do you define infill and how do you balance it with annexations?
I would place a moratorium on annexations until we get an accurate picture of the state of our resources. Infill is already within city limits and zoned accordingly so we need to honor that type of development.
What do you think of the recent water service extension ordinance passed by council and signed by the mayor aimed at limiting annexations based on water supply? What would you have done differently?
I think a water rule is responsible, but I would have made it a much higher ratio than 128%.
How do you balance maintaining the character of Colorado Springs with the need for development? What is the character of Colorado Springs?
I grew up here in the 70's and the character of Colorado Springs is defined by majestic Pikes Peak. The city was always sprawling but with a rustic, cohesive community feel to it. Now, it's sprawling, overpopulated, disjointed and not as welcoming. As long as we don't bull doze Pikes Peak to build apartments, our character will be maintained.
Transportation / Infrastructure
What is the most important infrastructure project needed in Colorado Springs right now, and how would you address it?
Paving the roads. I genuinely cannot understand why we have such terrible roads. I would ask the mayor to start firing people until we figure out how to pave the roads.
How do you feel about the transportation options currently available in Colorado Springs? What plans, if any, do you have to increase options for reliable public transportation?
I think we have a pretty good variety of options. The bus system is perhaps the most inefficient of all options and increasingly so due to driver staffing shortages. I think churches and nonprofits can easily address this by adding a transportation service for their members and clients.
What are your thoughts about expanding the use of active transportation like bicycles or walking? Should it be a primary focus and if so, what should be done?
Anyone can walk or ride a bike right now with no government assistance. I lived in Fort Collins when the city started putting in bike lanes and I was one of the many people that was mad about it. However, fast forward several years, I changed my tune. It was amazing to be able to ride a bike throughout the entire town. Colorado Springs is too big for that and there are areas that make no sense to put in bike lanes. Downtown makes sense. I would support that.
Parks & Open Space, Economy & Other
General Palmer's original vision for the city of Colorado Springs was that of a planned community, built around its natural beauty and environment. Do you agree with that vision, and if so, how do you plan to stay true to it?
I would argue that General Palmer is rolling over in his grave about now.
What do you see as the current state of economic diversity, and where does the city have the opportunity to grow?
An increasing number of people want to work for themselves but not be tied to a brick-and-mortar shop. I think we need to look at ordinances that may be prohibiting people from having mobile businesses like tattoo shops, nail salons, and other services and products.
Is the city doing enough to address the issue of people experiencing homelessness? What, if anything, would you do differently?
The city is near useless in this area. I know this from experience when my husband and I helped a senior homeless man and his dog. I can give you a play by play of my runaround with the city and county and how my husband and I just took matters into our own hands and helped this man find permanent housing. I have several ideas for churches and nonprofits to help move homeless people through a passage to housing like we did.
What is your stance on if and when to ask voters to retain funds that exceed the cap imposed by the Taxpayers Bill of Rights (TABOR)?
I will never ask the voters to retain what they've overpaid.
Who are your top three campaign donors?
I've run my campaign on less than $400 and I contributed most of that amount.
Quick responses
Would you support city councilors receiving a living wage or salary as opposed to the annual stipend of $6,250?
Do you support the legalization of recreational marijuana in Colorado Springs?
Would you support creating an independent board for Colorado Springs Utilities, rather than having council serve as the board?
Do you support Front Range Rail?
Do you support extending Constitution Avenue?
Is the city adequately addressing climate change and adaptation?
Do you support the ballot measure that extends the TOPS sales tax?