Drivers in downtown Colorado Springs can no longer take a left-hand turn onto North Nevada Avenue from East Platte Avenue. That's the intersection with a statue of the city's founder, General William Jackson Palmer, riding his horse, Diablo, in the middle.
According to city data, from 2015-2019, left-hand turns caused 38 percent of crashes at the intersection. That's more than double the statewide average of 16 percent of crashes during a left-hand turn.
Of the 25 crashes caused by left-hand turns during that time period, 21 of them were turns onto Nevada from Platte; only four were from Nevada to Platte.
A spokesperson for the city said the change was the most cost-effective solution, with signage costing around $1,500.
Last year the Colorado Springs Police Department reported a total of 21 crashes at the intersection, with seven crashes so far this year. It's unclear how many of those were left-hand turns.