KRCC News sent detailed surveys about some of the most critical issues facing city leaders to the candidates running for a Pueblo city council seat. Read their responses below.
The responses have been lightly edited for clarity.
Role and vision
Why do you want to be on the council and what qualifications would you bring to the position?
I have committed countless hours to attending city council meetings over the last nearly 6 years. I have the stamina and transparency to work for all of people not just one party. Service above political agenda. Respect is something that is not currently represented by all city council members. Listen and act on the people's concerns about the community.
What makes you proud to be a Puebloan?
Bring Home of the Heroes
What endorsements do you hold?
As of this time no endorsements
Quick responses
Do you support the statewide initiative Prop HH?
Do you support the statewide Prop II?
Should Pueblo go back to a city manager-run government instead of maintaining a strong mayor?
Should the city move the bust of Christopher Columbus?
Do you support the expansion of bike routes?
No. Bike lanes could be expanded in the future if there is a greater need for them. As of now, I don't believe we should spend money on bike lanes.
Community issues
What is the biggest challenge facing Pueblo you plan to address as an elected official? How would you address it?
Homelessness/Mental health. Have a 6-18 months transitional housing complex with job services, veteran services and more to help those who want to get back on their feet.
How might you seek to combat the rising cost of living?
There is no perfect answer for this. COLA will go up. Better paying jobs with a health care package.
What kind of new employment opportunities should local government work to attract? What should they pay and how would you work to attract and/or create them?
More trades in Pueblo. Get the right people to the table to put together a plan and then advertise the jobs with a full plan.
How do you plan on improving public safety?
Community Engagement the people need to stay focused about their surroundings and if you see something that doesn't look right call it in
What do you see as the primary contributor to the issue of homelessness in Pueblo and how would you address it?
Drug addiction, Mental health,lack of good paying jobs to afford a roof over their heads.
How do you feel about the current relationship between city council and the mayor's office? How would you work to foster that relationship?
It's a broken relationship die to personal egos. We all need to work together and respect each other no matter political differences or opinions.
What is the image of Pueblo? What should it be? What are three steps to get it there?
Image of Pueblo is 300 days of sunshine,arts that we have and local businesses. Also we are Home of the Heroes.