Congresswoman Lauren Boebert is recovering from unexpected surgery. Her campaign announced Tuesday night that she had an acute blood clot removed from her leg.
Boebert went to UC Health in Loveland Monday afternoon with extreme swelling in her left leg, according to a statement from her campaign. She was diagnosed with May-Thurner syndrome, a rare form of deep vein thrombosis.
Boebert underwent surgery Tuesday morning and her campaign said she is “expected to make a full recovery with no significant concerns for her long term-health and no hindrance to her ability to perform her duties as a Congresswoman.”
In a statement, Boebert thanked her team at UCHealth, including Dr. Rebecca Bade, for “their great care and providing helpful insight on my recent diagnosis.” She said she’s looking forward to returning to congress and “continue fighting for Colorado.”
The House is in recess until Monday. It’s unclear how her recovery may impact her ability to campaign in the meantime. The Colorado GOP hosts its statewide assembly, an important gathering of party activists and officials, in Pueblo this weekend.
Boebert, who is in her second term representing Colorado’s third district, is running in a crowded Republican primary to replace former congressman Ken Buck in the fourth congressional district.