What kind of Colorado news podcast would you listen to? Help us develop it

Lauren Antonoff Hart/CPR News

We get it. You probably don't listen to the radio as much if you drive less than before the pandemic. You want an efficient daily download that plugs you into what’s happening in your city and state, but you don’t have a lot of time to sit down and focus. That’s where we come in.

CPR News is developing a new podcast with daily news that fits your schedule and won’t stress you out. We’ll help you connect with your community by showing you the stories behind the news and introduce you to people and events that are part of the fabric of Colorado, all backed by CPR’s top-notch journalism.

You’re a key part in making this podcast especially useful and inspiring — something you’ll be excited to find and play in your favorite podcast app. If you fill out the brief survey below, you’ll help shape what this podcast sounds like — help journalists decide what stories we’ll feature, how long the podcast will be each day, and what times of day you like to tune into news. 

Plus, if you take the survey you're entered to win a gift card to one of a handful of local restaurants.

Wondering when the new daily podcast will appear in your app? We expect to launch it this fall and filling out this survey will ensure you’re one of the first to know more when the date gets closer. If you want to be really involved in helping CPR News create this new podcast, we can send you an early preview if you give us a way to keep in touch at the end of the survey.

Thank you! Happy listening.