Residents of Colorado Springs have a chance to weigh in on the redrawing of the city council districts map.
The public can provide feedback on several different plan options, and also share what they think the biggest priority should be for a district map.
Colorado Springs is currently split into six city council districts. Each one has an elected council member to represent the people living in those districts.
City charter requires the city clerk to set the district boundaries every four years. The last realigning of districts happened in 2020.
As the city continues to grow in size, the goals of redistricting are to ensure that all districts are about equal in population, as well as representative of those respective populations. The new maps also need to comply with the Voting Rights Act and other laws.
Residents can view and compare the proposed maps, fill out an online survey, and obtain more information on the city’s website.
There will be a total of six public meetings, one for each current district. They will happen at various locations throughout the city. An at-large gathering at the City Administration building in downtown Colorado Springs will wrap up the meetings on Sept. 23. There is also a virtual option to attend that meeting.
An advisory committee appointed by city council is gathering the input and will assist the city clerk in the redistricting process.
The city clerk plans to release a preliminary new map in October, and there will be another chance for public input then. The final report is expected no later than Dec. 2, ahead of the 2025 Municipal General Election.
Meeting Information
Council District 1: Wednesday, Sept. 11 at 5:30 - 6:30 pm; Fire Station 18 (6830 Hadler View)
Council District 2: Monday, Sept. 9 at 6:30 - 7:30 pm; The Village High School (1355 Kelly Johnson Blvd)
Council District 3: Wednesday, Sept. 18 at 6-7 pm; Westside Community Center (1628 W Bijou St.)
Council District 4: Thursday, Sept. 12 at 5:30 - 6:30 pm; Caramel County School (1740 Pepperwood Drive)
Council District 5: Wednesday, Sept. 11 at 2 - 3 pm; Ruth Holley Library (685 N Murray Blvd)
Council District 6: Friday, Sept. 6 at 5:30-6:30 pm; Fire Station 20 (6755 Rangewood Drive)
At-Large Meeting: Monday, Sept. 23 at 5:30 - 6:30 pm; City Administration Building (30 S Nevada, Room 102) and virtually at ColoradoSprings.Gov/2024Redistricting.